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Literature and the Environment: The Spiritual Values of the Green Belt Movement as Reflected in the eBook and Print Markets

By Nahla Elsubeihi


This paper will dwell on the four core spiritual values of Wangari Maathai’s Green Belt Movement and associate them with the ideals of the eBook and print sectors. Wangari Maathai (2010) in her book...Read more


Resistance Through Education: An Analysis of Education in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Using Albert Memmi’s Theory

By Nour Al-Ali


What is it like to study under occupation? How do Palestinians manage to reach their schools despite the numerous checkpoints and barricades the Israeli military placed across the land?...Read more


The Personal Meanings of the Hijab

By Israa Tariq


The hijab has always been a topic of controversy amongst different societies and groups, not only because of its symbolic meanings but also because its mistaken cultural symbolism. The hijab originates from Islam...Read more


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