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The Satire Museum



by ENG 185: Playing with Texts students 

(Nourhan Ibrahim, Manal Nadeem, Nusaibah Hasan, Rayyan Burney, Sarah Jassim)

The Satire Museum is a class project undertaken by students enrolled in ENG 185: Playing with Texts at the American University of Sharjah in Spring 2023, taught by Dr. Kristen Highland. 


The project traces the evolution of satire through various time periods and mediums, exploring the power of satire to shape public discourse and offer social commentary. To showcase their findings and creative interpretations, students have created an interactive Instagram account that you can find here. From their description, “scrolling through the account should feel like strolling through a museum–stopping to savor each work and giving it its due attention with the promise of more ahead.”

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